Human beings are shaped by the way we spend our time…

Our calendars tend to reflect our values and reveal the things that we’re orienting our lives around. Christians have recognized this truth for centuries, and have often used what’s called the church calendar to help us stay grounded in the story of Jesus, his gospel and his church.

The church calendar is intended to be a tool that encourages deeper communion with God.

Each season in the calendar is an invitation to create space to be more intentional in centering our lives around Scripture and in engaging with Christian practices and disciplines that we might otherwise neglect.

That said, we recognize that some people may have previous experiences that make it difficult for them to participate in these kinds of traditions with a clear conscience, so we also want to make clear that there is grace here—the church calendar is a church tradition, not a scriptural command and none of us are biblically obligated to take part.

If you’re new to the church calendar, the resources on this page provide a good introduction to the concept—starting with the two videos on the left.

Seasons of the Church Year

  • Advent | December 1-24, 2024

  • Christmastide | December 25, 2024-January 5, 2025

  • Ordinary Time I | January 7-March 8, 2025

  • Lent | March 5-12, 2025

  • Holy Week | April 13-19. 2025

  • Eastertide | April 20-June 8, 2025

  • Ordinary Time II | June 9-November 29, 2025

  • Advent | November 30-December 24, 2025

Further Resources