Our life together encompasses the rhythms, relationships, habits, and commitments that we engage in each week as a church family.
These are not rigid structures to be followed legalistically but life-giving relationships which are entered into joyfully.
In short, our life together is how we have committed to live together each week, in Christ.
Our Life Together
Our weekly life together begins on Sunday afternoon as we gather for worship. Our worship gathering has one aim: to exalt Jesus. It is from this place of worship and rest that we are sent out filled with the good news of Jesus to love God, to love each other, and to love our city.
We believe that being a part of a church is about more than meeting together once a week on Sunday. Being a part of a church is about being a part of a family who is seeking to love one another as Jesus has loved us. For this reason gospel communities are essential to embodying the type of life Jesus calls us to.
A gospel community is a small group of men, women, and children who are encouraging one another as they follow Jesus, as well as partnering together to make disciples.
It is within the context of community that we are cared for, loved, and encouraged to follow Jesus more faithfully. As we engage in everyday life with one another, we grow to see that Jesus has rescued us for more than a once a week gathering; he has rescued us to redeem all of life!
Not only has Jesus called us to love each other, but he has called us to love our neighbors. Jesus defines our neighbors as those who we come into contact with on a daily basis. More specifically, our neighbors are those who we live, work, and play with throughout the week.
We believe the life of Jesus has implications for our city today which is why we strive to live as faithful followers of Jesus in Boise. Faithfulness to Jesus looks like meeting both the physical and spiritual needs of those around us. It is our desire to see citizens of Boise come to know Jesus and transfer their citizenship to the Kingdom of God as they await the new city that is to come.
We are a relational church family that desires to be with one another in the regular rhythms of life. This means that we regularly spend time together over meals, celebrating births, birthdays and promotions, helping with child care and house projects, and enjoying Idaho’s beauty.
As a church, we value and practice church membership for a number of reasons. We believe that church membership is a clear implication in Scripture, that it has a long and proven history within the church, that it’s vital to our discipleship, and that it provides clarity for both pastors and members as we partner to follow Jesus together. We believe strongly that church membership is essential to the health, unity, and mission of a local church.
We have two monthly prayer gatherings, one for men and one for women. Our women's prayer gathering takes place on the second Monday of each month and our men's prayer gathering takes place on the fourth Monday of each month.
In addition to the sermon on Sundays, we continue to study and explore our faith through both an ongoing catechism class (Foundations), Bible studies, and periodic focused topical studies (Equipping Lab).