We gather for worship at 4pm on Sunday afternoons.

2675 W. Main Street
Boise, Idaho 83702


About Our Gathering

Because we share a meeting space with another local church, our worship gathering takes place on Sunday afternoons at 4pm.

Gospel partnerships are essential to the health of our church, as well as to the mission God calls us to in our city. We are grateful for Main Street Church’s generosity in allowing us to use their building.

  • Our Sunday Gathering generally lasts about an hour and twenty minutes, and consists of singing, prayer, a sermon, and the celebration of The Lord’s Supper. Dress is casual.

    When you arrive on Sunday, you will be welcomed by one of our greeters. If you have any questions, they’ll be happy to assist you.

  • As a guiding principle, our worship gathering consists of forms of worship prescribed in the Scriptures.

    We begin each gathering with a welcome and a few brief announcements.

    Call to Worship
    Our call to worship consists of a short passage read from the Scriptures. It is a call to focus our heart, mind, and attention on the worship of God.

    We worship in song to prepare our hearts to hear God’s Word. We sing a mixture of hymns and contemporary songs which celebrate the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    The Apostles’ Creed
    We confess the Apostles’ Creed together weekly as a way to both worship and affirm our common faith.

    Prayer for Kids
    As we dismiss our children to go to Kids’ Ministry, we pray that God would speak to them and work in their hearts.

    Each Sunday we preach verse by verse through a section of Scripture. We preach this way in an effort to clearly explain and apply God’s Word. (We preach from the English Standard Version.)

    The Lord’s Supper
    We partake in the Lord’s Supper each Sunday and we welcome all those who have trusted in Jesus for their salvation to participate.

    The Lord’s Prayer
    We pray in three ways on Sunday: corporately (as we pray the Lord’s Prayer), pastorally (as our pastors pray for our church), and individually (as we pray individually before we partake in the Lord’s Supper).

    After the sermon and celebrating the Lord’s Supper, we sing again—this time responding to and celebrating what God’s done for us.

    At the end of our time of singing, we conclude by singing a short traditional doxology.

    Benediction and Commissioning
    We conclude our gatherings with a benediction from Scripture and a commissioning to go “love God, to love each other, and to love our city.”

    Each week we take up an offering which supports the ministries of our church, as well as our church planting partnerships. Visitors are under no obligation to give.

    Everyone is encouraged to arrive early and stay late for a time to fellowship with one another.

  • We offer Kids’ Ministry for children aged 4-7 years of age, as well as a nursery for children 3 and under. Our kids worship with us at the beginning of the gathering before they are prayed over and dismissed to go to their classrooms. Children 8 years of age and older worship with their parents. Please see our New City Kids page for more information.

  • Free parking is available in the lot at our building, as well as along Main Street.

    On Sundays, additional overflow parking is available in the KDP (formerly Integra) parking lot across 27th Street.