Our vision is to see kids loving God, loving each other, and loving our city.
We support families by offering a gospel-centered kids’ ministry on Sundays and a supportive church community where parents and children can be known, loved, and cared for.
We strive to create an environment for our kids where strong relationships are being made and where we are stewarding their hearts and their growing relationship with the Lord.
Our Kids’ check-in station is located right outside the auditorium so that you and your family can all remain together as the gathering begins.
After checking in, your children will join with the adults for announcements, two songs, and the Apostles’ Creed. We then pray over our kids before our volunteers walk them down to their classroom. You will pick them up after the gathering has ended.
Of course! If you would like to keep your children with you during the gathering, you are more than welcome to do so.
We have a primary classroom for children aged 4-7 and a nursery for those 3 and under.
Children 8 years of age and older are encouraged to stay with their parents to worship in the main worship gathering.
We use Planning Center for our check-in and check-out process to maintain a level of security for children and parents.
Additionally, all of our Kids Ministry volunteers have passed a background check and we have a strict diaper changing/bathroom policy that we follow for the safety of all children. We ask that all volunteers and parents work together to keep our kids safe.
Each Sunday we will teach through a gospel-centered and age-appropriate lesson. We believe that children learn best in story form, therefore we use many different formats to help connect the story of God to the children we have the privilege of ministering to.
We also have a time of games and crafts where children can build friendships with each other kids and interact with adults in a fun and engaging way, as well as a snack time that we look at as a chance to model what a “little family meal” might look like.
If your children have any allergies please let us know at check in.
To connect with us, please email info@newcityboise.com.