Gospel communities are small groups of men, women, and children who are following Jesus and loving their neighbors together.

Our gospel communities strive to be tangible expressions of the local church. Each gospel community seeks to support the spiritual growth and maturity of its members through the ordinary rhythms of everyday life as they live out the New Testament’s “one another” commands in neighborhoods across the Treasure Valley.

Gospel communities love and serve others, live missionally, regularly share meals, read and discuss Scripture, host parties, and pray for one another.

Why gospel communities?

One of the metaphors that’s often used in the New Testament to refer to the church is that of a body. According to scripture, each Christian has been saved not merely as an individual, but as a member of the body of Christ, with a specific context of relationships, responsibilities to one another, and gifts for building each other up. The Bible is clear that none of us gets to follow Jesus on our own: in order to live out a Biblical vision for the Christian life, we need other believers.

Or, to put it another way, church isn’t merely something we attend; it’s something we are. Scripture makes clear that our call to live as the family of God extends beyond a Sunday service and into every area of our lives. So while Sunday gatherings are at the center of our weekly rhythm, it’s also vital to live into our identity as the church for each other during the rest of the week.

At New City, we pursue gospel community through gospel communities: small groups of Christians within our local church who have purposed to live out the implications of the gospel together in community with one another.

It helps to think about gospel communities as being more about “who” than “what”—they’re not intended to be just an additional weekly meeting, but people in our local church who are committed to investing in and sharing life with each other on an ongoing basis. Because following Jesus takes place against the backdrop of day-to-day life, gospel communities are designed to be grounded in the rhythms of the ordinary. Within the context of “everyday” community—sharing meals and conversations, caring for each other and bearing one another’s burdens—gospel communities provide a means for us to step into our calling to live as the church, growing in maturity and love for one another as disciples of Jesus.

Current Gospel Communities

  • Meeting in Southwest Boise


    Randy & Caroline Norton, Sierra Wells

  • Meeting in Central Bench


    Levi and Elle Finn

  • Meeting in West Bench


    Heath & Casey Kemper

  • Meeting in Northwest Boise


    Mitch & Anjali Squires, Mandy Nilges